Our Customers
The JCU Group always approaches things from the customer’s perspective, ensures reliable quality and safety, and provides detailed support to deliver safety and security to our customers.
Quality Control
The JCU Group believes that maintaining and improving quality leads to customer satisfaction and trust, and this in turn leads to sustainable growth for the entire JCU Group. This idea is the basis on which we established the JCU Quality Policy which we have defined to be our guidelines for quality management.
In addition, our Niigata Plant, Sales Office, and R&D Center in Japan are certified for international standard ISO 9001 and continue to work to control, maintain, and improve product quality. Outside of Japan, the of fices listed in the table are ISO9001 certified and are committed to quality management.
Status of ISO9001 certification at overseas offices
Status of other ISO certification at overseas offices
Quality Targets
The JCU Group is implementing a variety of initiatives to strengthen its quality control system. At the Niigata Plant, reviews for work procedures and education on near-misses are being conducted to raise awareness on how to prevent human errors. In addition, we strive to improve productivity as well as quality consistency by maintaining the stable operation of our production lines through inspections and maintenance of aging manufacturing and utility facilities, and upgrades to manufacturing work conditions and facilities.
JCU quality policy
We have established the following Quality Policy based on JCU’s management philosophy, social conditions, and market developments.
- Support manufacturing around the world and contribute to enriching people’s lives by pursuing new surface treatment technologies.
- Respond accurately and quickly to market demands, and pursue customer satisfaction and a larger global market share.
- Provide products and services of the same quality to all customers regardless of region or country.
In order to embody this Policy, we apply quality management systems based on ISO 9001:2015 and implement the following:
- (1)Promote continuous improvement so that quality management systems are able to fully realize their effectiveness.
- (2)All departments are to formulate quality targets based on issues associated with their business and strive to achieve these targets.
- (3)Make sure that all employees are wellinformed on the Quality Policy and quality management systems.
- (4)Respond to changes in conditions inside and outside the Company, and revise the Quality Policy as necessary.
Disclosure of Product Related Information
JCU Group product labels display information in the fo rmat d efin e d i n t h e G lo b ally H a rm o nize d System o f Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS). Product labels display information in Japanese, English and, where needed , in the language of the country to which the product is delivered as provided in the country’s laws and regulations.
Technical documentation describing the performance of and control methods for each product is prepared by the R&D Center. The contents of technical documentation are carefully examined by Sales and other departments before they are provided to customers.
We also prepare Safety Data Sheets (SDS) that conform with G HS a nd Japanese l aws i n Japanese a nd English. Subsidaries outside of Japan are responsible for conformance with laws and regulations in their respective countries.
Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
This is a document that is provided by the supplier of a chemical substance or compound containing a chemical substance to its recipient at the time the substance is transferred or provided to the recipient. The document provides information regarding the substance’s physicochemical properties, hazards, toxicity, and handling. SDSs also provide information on first aid measures in the event of exposure, storage methods, and disposal methods.
*Released SDS that is compliant with the revised Chemical Substances Control Act (Act on Confirmation, etc. of Release Amounts of Specific Chemical Substances in the Environment and Promotion of Improvements to the Management Thereof) on April 1, 2023.
Quality Management System
The JCU Group has set up a quality management system to realize its Quality Policy. The Head of the Niigata Plant is the Chief Quality Management Officer, under whom is assigned a m anager w ho, along with his or her deputy manager, takes care of the Group’s quality improvement activities.
Quality management system schematic
Information Protection
In order to properly handle and protect customer and business partner information, the JCU Group prohibits the use of information obtained in the course of business for other than legitimate purposes, and strictly manages the information in accordance with our confidential information management regulations and other rules so that it is not disclosed or leaked.
In addition , JCU has established and implements a Personal Information Protection Policy.
Quality Control at the Niigata Plant
General Manager, Quality Assurance Nobuhiro Yamazaki
Professional history
After serving as manager of the CS and development department in the electronics division at the R&D Center and then, since 2018, as local manager of the Vietnam subsidiary, which also has a manufacturing plant, I became manager of the Quality Assurance Department at the Niigata Plant in April 2023.
Based on our motto of always providing products with consistent quality levels that customers can use with peace of mind, the Niigata Plant has established a rigorous management system based on a quality management system that enables mutual monitoring between manufacturing/technology and quality assurance divisions.
Our aim is to not only maintain and control consistent quality levels, but to make sure that we do not make irregular products, that is, to establish a system where we can prevent irregular products from being manufactured in the production process. To this end, we continue to conduct kaizen activities, 5S activities, and safety patrols, and aim to further improve quality by utilizing the PDCA cycle.
This year, with the “life with COVID” policy in effect and overseas travel restrictions being lifted, we have resumed our local guidance programs and on-site audits for staff members at overseas subsidiaries. We will continue to strive to provide the same levels of quality and service to all of our customers regardless of region or country.