Corporate Governance
The JCU Group has established a system to fulfill its corporate social responsibilities by maintaining high management transparency and corporate governance functions.
Enhancing Our Corporate Governance
The JCU Group recognizes the importance of compliance with laws, regulations and corporate ethics, and considers it a key management mission to enhance corporate value through quick corporate decision making and by improving the soundness of management in ways that they are adapted to changing social and economic conditions. In order to achieve this, we have built good relationships with various stakeholders , including our shareholders , customers , business partners, local communities, and employees. In addition, as the company grows, we will further strengthen, improve, and refine the various functions necessary for corporate governance, while enhancing corporate governance, thoroughly practicing compliant corporate management, and building internal systems to prevent risks before they occur. At the same time, we will appropriately disclose information and improve management transparency.
Corporate Governance System
JCU has a Board of Directors as an organization that makes decisions on important management matters and supervises the status of business execution. The Board of Direc tors consist s of 10 direc tors (including 4 out side directors), and in principle meets at least once a month.
In addition, we have introduced an Executive Officer system for the purpose of building a quick and flexible business execution structure. At the Management Strategy Meeting, which meets once a month and attended mainly by directors and executive of ficers, the status of business execution is analyzed and reviewed, and deliberations are carried out on proposals that are to be consulted on with the Board of Directors.
In addition, the JCU Group has introduced a Board of Auditing Officers system. The Board of Auditing Officers consists of one full-time auditing officer and three outside auditors. In principle, auditing officers hold Board of Auditing Officers meetings once a month, as well as attend the Board of Directors meeting to audit the legality and validity of business decisions.