Environmental Management
The JCU Group makes every effort to preserve the global environment and contribute to the creation of sustainable societies.
JCU environmental policy
JCU’s main business is the manufacture and sale of surface treatment chemicals with a focus on plating, and we make significant contributions to the advancement of society and enhancement of comfort in our daily lives by enabling miniaturization and greater densities for elec tronic devices, and improving the appearance and corrosion resistance of automobiles and other daily necessities. We also contribute to environmental preservation through efforts such as resource and energy conservation.
On the other hand, we not only consume electricity, water and other environmental resources in our product development, manufacturing and other business activities, but also discharge chemical substances into the environment in the form of waste and cleaning water.
In addition, the use of products that JCU supplies also has an effect on the environment, such as in the form of chemical discharges and energy consumption.
Taking these matters into consideration, we have established the JCU Environmental Policy below to make further efforts to preserve the environment.
- Thoroughly ensure that chemical substances are managed properly and that preventive measures are implemented to minimize environmental pollution even in the event of anomalous events or emergency.
- In order to reduce the environmental impact of our products as much as possible, make every effort to research and develop products and processes that are designed to minimize environmental impact, and thoroughly manage the environmentally controlled substances used in our products.
- Promote waste reduction, and energy and resource conservation.
- Run environmental management systems effectively and update them continually.
- Comply with environmental laws and regulations, as well as customer requirements agreed to by JCU.
- Ensure that employees of JCU as well as of companies and organizations, and workers contracted by JCU are all well-informed on this Environmental Policy, and make the Policy available to the general public.
Environmental Management System
The JCU Group has set up an environmental management system to realize its Environmental Policy. The head of the Niigata Plant is the Chief Environmental Management Officer, under whom is assigned a manager who, along with his or her deputy manager, takes care of the Group’s environmental management.
The R&D Center and the Niigata Plant collect information on environment-related data and laws and regulations, and drive forward specific environmental conservation activities.
In addition, the JCU Group has acquired and continues to maintain its ISO14001 certification to improve its environmental performance. In Japan, our R&D Center and Niigata Plant̶ our center for research and development, and our production base, respectively̶were ISO14001 certified in May 2000 and continue to carry out management based on this standard. Outside of Japan, we have acquired ISO14001 certification at the business sites listed in the table and carry out ongoing environmental improvement activities at these sites.
Overview of ISO14001 certification at offices in Japan

Status of ISO14001 certification at overseas offices

Environmental management system schematic

Environmental Action Plan
At the JCU Group, our initiatives are based on setting office-specific targets on major environmental themes.
In FY2022, while COVID-19 continued to spread as it had the previous fiscal year and restrictions on movement between offices were still in effect, we, the Group as a whole, conducted web-based internal training and information sharing programs on laws and regulations, the environment, and chemical substances to boost our employees’ knowledge and awareness in these areas. In addition, our efforts over the past few years to promote the acquisition of qualifications by employees have helped us reduce the risk of shortages of qualified personnel, such as satellite managers and hazardous materials handlers. With regard to our environmental performance, we have operations in place to properly manage and reduce waste.
The Niigata Plant and R&D Center regularly check and communicate performance developments to raise awareness to achieve targets. As a result of these activities, we were able to reduce CO2 emissions and the volume of liquid waste from the previous fiscal year.
Disclosure of Climate Change-Related Information in Line with TCFD Recommendations
In that we aspire to be a “global company that continues to grow sustainably,” the JCU Group recognizes that it is critical that we link our business operations to ESG and SDGs, and that we are equipped to respond to changes in social and environmental issues.
For this reason, we announced our support for the TCFD recommendations in June 2022.
We will disclose climate-related information that relate to the four themes outlined in the TCFD recommendations: governance of climate -related risks and opportunities, strategy, risk management, and metrics and targets.
Disclosure of Our Approach and Initiatives Regarding Sustainability