
Make every effort to appropriately communicate with stakeholders and maintain relationships of trust. Under our CSR policy, “We will contribute to the local community as a good corporate citizen, ” we believe that one of our social responsibilities is to create a society where people can live safely and comfortably together with local residents.

Community Initiatives

Interactions with Local Communities

General disaster response drill
Jacket worn by participants of drills for attending to people who have difficulty returning home

In July 2020, the R&D Center in Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture was registered as a Kawasaki City Disaster Response Cooperating Business (Aso Ward). In addition to deepening exchanges with local communities through regular local activities, we are committed to co op erate as much as possible in disaster response operations in the event of disasters, and contribute to the mitigation of damage and the early restoration of daily life in the community.

For the first time this year, the R&D Center also participated in a comprehensive disaster drill organized by the Aso Ward Office. In addition to first aid and firefighting drills, we are building “face-to-face relationships” with the community through various experiences such as drills for attending to people who have difficulty returning home.

At JCU, we will continue to work together with the local community to create a community that is comfortable to live in.

Regular Cleanup

Cleaning activities at the Niigata Plant

Every year, the R&D Center and Niigata Plant regularly carry out voluntary cleanup activities in their surrounding areas. We see these cleanup activities as important opportunities not only for picking up trash, but also to raise awareness about the environment where our business sites are located, something that we may normally overlook.

Through these activities, the JCU Group is commit ted to continue to help restore the environment from the viewpoint of residents of our surrounding communities.

Self-Defense Fire Drills

Firefighting and evacuation drills at the R&D Center

All of the JCU Group’s business sites regularly conduct emergency evacuation drills and first aid drills. The purpose of this program is to train employees to respond appropriately and quickly in the event of disasters, and to raise employees’ awareness of disaster prevention. In particular, at the Niigata Plant and R&D Center where we handle chemicals, we conduct regular education and training programs on the handling of hazardous materials in addition to these drills.

Sponsorship Activities

Activities at the Solaputi Kids’ Camp

JCU became an advocate of the philosophy of the Solaputi Kids’ Camp in Maruka Kougen, Takikawa Cit y, Hokkaido (, and has been a sponsor of the camp, providing drinking water since FY2019.

Soraputi Kids’ Camp is a campsite equipped with medical care facilities where children with intractable diseases and their family can camp out.

We provide a place where children, who normally have difficulty going outside, can have invaluable experiences such as interacting with their peers and animals in a natural setting.

In FY2022, although this was the third year into the COVID-19 outbreak, we carried out a variety of activities with thorough infection control measures in place.

These included overnight camps where participants enjoyed Hokkaido’s natural beauty on horseback, forest exploration, cooking rice in camping pots, and campfires; hydroponics challenges for children battling illness in hospitals and at home; gifts of snow to hospitals and other facilities in regions that do not get snow cover, and other amazing activities.

Solaputi Kids’ Camp activities are being sponsored by many corporate sponsors. JCU will continue our support for the camp so that we can be of as much help for these activities as possible.

Ecocap Movement

JCU began cooperating with the Ecocap Movement in November 2020 to contribute to the achievement of the SDGs.

The Ecocap Movement is an activity where the caps of PET beverage bottles which would typically be thrown away are collected and recycled, with the proceeds used to promote employment for people with disabilities and the elderly, and support vaccinations for children in developing countries. JCU became an advocate of this activity and collects caps from PET bottles in all offices in Japan to cooperate with this movement which is being carried out by the Disable Support Association of Japan, a specified non-profit corporation (NPO).

In FY2022, we collected a cumulative total of 21.9 kg of caps. This was enough for polio vaccinations for about 74.9 people, or equivalent to a roughly 472 kg reduction in CO2 emissions. We are committed to continue activities that serve our societies.